ISFP fictional characters

Harry Potter (Harry Potter books/movies)

Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)

Snow White (Once Upon a Time)

Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights)

Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)

Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

Lincoln Campbell (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)

Shawn Hunter (Boy Meets World)

Roy Harper (Arrow)

Roger Davis (from the musical RENT)

Arwen (Lord of the Rings – movies)

Legolas (Lord of the Rings – movies)

Angel (Buffy/Angel)

Steve Rogers, aka Captain America (The Avengers, Captain America 1 & 2)*

Duncan Kane (Veronica Mars)

Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Rev. Paul Coates (Broadchurch)

Molly Hooper (Sherlock)

Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon)

Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)

Leo Wyatt (Charmed)

Sven (Frozen)

Agent Daniel Sousa (Agent Carter)

Sam Seaborn (The West Wing)

Wanda Maximoff (The Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)

Balian of Ibelin (Kingdom of Heaven)


*note: some of these characters may be a different type in other iterations (such as Captain America, in particular, but as written in the most recent films, and portrayed by Chris Evans, Steve is an ISFP), so I’ve tried to specify the exact version of the character we mean, in order to eliminate confusion.  ðŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “ISFP

  1. I’m sorry but you are wrong,Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon) is an INFP like me and Pricess Diana,Kurt Kobain and J.K.Rowling if you realize he cares more about people than things (art/books).

    • You’re welcome to your opinion on his type, of course, but to say someone is an INFP rather than an ISFP because he/she cares more about people than things is erroneous. (And probably driven by the huge emphasis on preferences & temperament over functions, in terms of a lot of the information put out there about the MBTI.)

      My partner & I typed Toothless as an ISFP because we believe he has auxiliary Se, not Ne. He’s very much in tune with his surroundings, paying attention to detail, and enjoys leaping (or flying) into action, or just enjoying the sensations of things around him (grass, sun, the feel of the wind when soaring through the air, a good fish…), and he enjoys “doing” things, actively participating rather than just watching/dreaming. (Some of the above could apply to INFPs as well, but I think a great example is the scene where he sees Hiccup doodling, and he wants to create his own picture, and shuffles off to do so. And he moves around & creates a great work of art, or at least it’s great in his mind!) 🙂

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